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Mixmasters Pro Audio supply all API products - please contact us for pricing on all models.


About API

In 1968, Automated Processes, Inc. was formed by engineers and music professionals with a vision. Today API is well known for many contributions to the field as well as a long-standing trademark warm sound. The 2520 amplifier, a unique amp invented by co-founder Saul Walker has been and will continue to be at the heart of all API discrete products. The 2520 continues to provide reliability and sonic purity unmatched by the competition. The early API consoles met the needs of music, commercial and broadcast industries.

API became the leading audio broadcast console manufacturer for radio and television networks and high profile stations. In addition, recording studios, large and small, began using API.....and receiving rave reviews from engineers and producers. There are over 700 API consoles across the nation and around the world, including the three major networks. Over forty years later, many of these consoles are still in daily use in some of the most prestigious recording and broadcast facilities in the world because, to date, there are few, if any consoles of equal sound quality at such a cost-effective price.

API Web Site

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