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Little Devil Compressor

CHANDLER LIMITED enters the 500 race furiously with its new LITTLE DEVIL Equalizers and Compressors. Using all discrete circuits that combine Chandler's best designs with the hottest designs from the past, transformer balanced everything, and the American hand made quality you expect from Chandler, the LITTLE DEVILS will take the lunchbox UP (or DOWN:-) to the next level... 

Technically and sonically speaking, the Chandler LITTLE DEVILS are steeped in the sound and function of all Chandler gear - discrete amplifiers, inductors, transformers, and quality American build. You won't find any surface mount or ribbon cables in the Little Devils (used to build cell phones and computers) that are becoming popular money-saving and sound-crippling build techniques used by some other manufacturers.


Little Devil Compressor

  • All controls are market +/- 1 to 6 in the playful DEVIL spirit of the concept
  • FET COMPRESSOR using concepts from both the Chandler Germanium Comp and the 2264 Comp
  • INPUT CONTROL CURVE selection with zener and germanium diode knees
  • RATIO in three positions
  • SIDECHAIN FILTER @ 30, 60, 90, 150, 300Hz

Little Devil Compressor

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